Upcoming Events

Events are organized every 8 – 12 weeks and members are from a mixture of agency, client side and start ups. It is an excellent opportunity to meet fellow search professionals and catch up with the latest news in the industry.

Search London – our next event is our summer party and is in person, on June 17th, from 6pm until 11pm.

It is taking place at The Theodore Bullfrog pub, by Charing Cross/Embankment tube.

We have four speakers sharing their social media, growth through SEO, B2B content strategy and improving visibility for news sites tips.

Buy your ticket on Eventbrite here to guarantee your entry.

Dee Overfield will talk about:

“Accelerating Growth: SEO Strategies That Catapulted an Accounting Software Company to the FT100 List”

In this talk, Dee will delve into a comprehensive case study that showcases the practical implementation of SEO strategies, each carefully crafted to elevate the company’s online presence and drive unprecedented growth. Dee will coverr:
1. Keyword gap analysis to identify hyper-relevant opportunities to jump on and be more competitive in SERPs
2. Quick tactics to increase internal linking opportunities across the site
3. Creation and optimisation of blog / whitepaper content – targeting high quality long tail keywords to increase organic traffic
4. UX improvements to aid the user journey and drive trust signals throughout the site … leading to exponential growth in organic traffic, keyword rankings, and conversions that propelled our client to the prestigious FT100 list of Europe’s fastest-growing companies.

Crystal Nyarko Asiedu will present:

“The Art of Visibility Through Search and Social”

Crystal will share with the audience how to build awareness and visibility online and across social media channels via strategy, content and channels and the role in which both search and social media frameworks, strategies and techniques have an impact on this. She will also share one case study and the results from her search and social work.

Yagmur Simsek will share with the audience:

“Advancing B2B Content Strategy Internally: Techniques for Ongoing Progress”

This talk focuses on the integration of cutting-edge techniques and continuous improvement methodologies to keep B2B content relevant, engaging, and aligned with business goals. It emphasises the importance of internal collaboration, team operation, data-driven insights, and iterative processes to adapt to market changes and audience needs effectively.

Hollins Esegba will present:

How to Improve Visibility and Drive Traffic for News Sites, despite the Google updates”

The talk will show the audience practical strategies to rank above industry leaders like CNN, BBC, Reuters, and Telegraph on Google despite the September algorithm’s helpful content update and increase their website traffic.

Hollins’ presentation will show the audience practical routes for SEO Optimization to enable their news content to gain higher traffic and stronger Google visibility. He wrote and published news content covering Africa and World categories, which will also show what he did for my content to rank higher than some of the biggest brands despite Google’s algorithm update in September 2023.

Please purchase your ticket on Eventbrite here to secure your place.

Our sponsors help us run these events. StudioHawk will be providing some of the refreshments on the night. Turn Global and Good Signals will supply the cupcakes.

StudioHawk’s approach to SEO is what will move the needle to bring results to the client, but also aligns with their business goals by partnering their elite SEO Specialists with brands to unlock organic growth. Good Signals runs SEO Office Hours with Turn Global every Friday at 9:30am BST.

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